Customer Reviews for The Marcus King Band
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Marcus King Band
Over 2 1/2 hrs of non stop outstanding entertainment!!!! Marcus King is SRV back from the dead. High energy outstanding in multiple categories (Blues, Rock, Soul, Country). Over the last 18 months Marcus' voice has really matured. They are the next best kept secret, hope they stay humble as they are now....If you were gonna go you should have gone. I would consider traveling to see him again if he isn't back in Chi-town soon.
Amazing show.
Marcus King Band live in Manchester UK
Went to see MKB ( 26/03/23) at the O2 Ritz Manchester, UK. Aside for some fantastic renditions of the songs from his new albumâ€El Dorado†and from previous records, they played some cracking covers with Rolling Stones, James Brown, Ceelo Green some of the highlights. Unfortunately the sound was disappointing for this venue…too loud with little definition. The nuance was just about lost on MK guitar solos in the mush! Enjoyed it but sort out your sound Marcus!
Marcus King at the NeptuneTheater, Seattle
Saw the Marcus King Band Friday night, should be a 5 star review, but in spite of a great showing by a 7 piece band, the sound mix was horrible, way too loud for a theater that only holds 800 people. No clarity with the vocals for the warm up act (Neil Francis) or the headliner. My ears were still ringing Saturday morning.
Great show. Bad sound.
Saw MK at the Neptune last night. It was a great show including the opening acts. Unfortunately the sound was terrible. Couldn’t understand any of the lyrics and everything was just loud. When you listen to the albums you can hear the horns and different layers to the music which is what makes MK so great. Last night had its moments but it was just overrun by a mash of distorted noise.
Terrible FOH Mix
The good news was the band, the stage, and aesthetics looked amazing. The light show was on par for this great band. After the warm up acts and lights went low, the band came out on stage to the background music of James Brown - the excitement was palpable. Unfortunately the band mix was so noisy, and mushy - there was no separation between guitars, keys, and vocals. It seemed as though the engineer was not interested in creating clarity? The keys were too mid bass heavy, the guitars were overshadowing the vocals. I'm always amazed at these type of situations - it's as if the FOH Engineer never listened to the actual recordings!?? What's more they could not fix the noisy, volume riddled show. Too bad - it was my first time seeing Marcus King, and I ended up leaving early.